Our goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for our community, volunteers, and staff to carry out various activities like outreach, fundraisers, social events, community education, administration, and project management.  

We host wonderful events in these spaces, including bimonthly cooking for the homeless, daily parking access for the Capitol Hill community, and other Capitol Hill community gatherings like the annual Bite of Greece festival. 

Following a recent review from the Department of Homeland Security, we have been advised to perform several upgrades to bring our facilities up to current safety and security standards. These upgrades will include the installation of cameras, surveillance equipment, and monitoring systems. 

Additionally, we will be undertaking building repairs to support the new security infrastructure and ensure the ongoing management of these improvements. In terms of health and safety, we will be making significant upgrades and improvements to the main kitchen and dining areas, offices, and other parts of the church building. This will involve, and is not limited to leak repairs, equipment upgrades, and parking resurfacing, among other enhancements, all aimed at benefiting the entire community we serve.

Employer match available. Microsoft employees can access the project through their giving portal.
