Intended to be a survey course, “Studies in the Faith” will give the participant a foundational understanding of the Orthodox Christian Faith, its belief, worship, and practices. Check our Calendar of Events for when the next class will meet here at the Church.
This class is mandatory for those individuals who wish to become Orthodox Christians.
To those who are already Orthodox, this course will provide you with an enriched understanding of your faith.
And to our guests, we welcome you.
For those wishing to become Orthodox Christians, Baptism and/or Chrismation will be celebrated before the feast of Pascha.
For those thinking of becoming Orthodox Christians, please remember, regular Church attendance is mandatory (either in person or via our web stream) as worship is central in the life of the Orthodox Faith. In addition, connecting to the community is important as you will need to choose a Godparent for your Baptism and/or Chrismation. Godparents are usually chosen from within the parish you are attending.
As you participate in class, or read through the below information, if you have questions, you are welcome to email Fr. Dean at or stop by the church. Please feel free to contact the parish office with any questions as well at (206) 323-8557. You are also welcome to call the parish office to schedule an appointment with Fr. Dean.
Internet Self-Study: In this age of modern technology, quite often the question is asked regarding self-study using Orthodox educational videos posted on the Internet. Although this is an option, it is not recommended. Fellowship and connection with others in the class is an important part of integrating yourself into our faith community. In addition, questions and dialogue in class is encouraged. A question offered in class often invites the participants to have discussions leading to a deeper understanding of Orthodoxy in a way not possible in a self-study environment. Educational videos posted on the Internet will be utilized as part of our class structure however it is important to note that all web-based data contained in the class will have been thoroughly vetted. Web addresses for these websites will be provided in class so the material may be reviewed at any time.
We welcome all visitors who may wish to come and experience an Orthodox Christian Liturgy. For those who wish to become Orthodox Christians, it is important for you to regularly attend Church on Sundays while taking this class. The schedule of worship services is as follows: